The number of attributes that can change the appearance of a tile (and in turn, your space) are almost infinite in different shapes, sizes, materials, finishes. But in our day, we have seen a few tiles and are here to make sense of it for you. Refer to this helpful tile finishing guide before you launch your next project.

Finishes, or various effects on a tile's surface that affect its appearance, are commonly divided into groups of ceramic, porcelain and other man-made tiles vs. stone because of the different ways in which the materials can be handled. Second, the processes that characterise stone finishes will be discussed and then we will look at man-made tiles.

series of polishing wheels with increasingly finer pads using water and polishing compound were passed under stone tiles with a polished finish to assist in the process. This results in a smooth and polished tile, ideal for formal and traditional spaces to add a touch of luxury and glamour. One type of stone that is often polished is marble.

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